I have a Bachelor of Animation from Yoobee College of Creative Innovation. It’s funny, the entire time I was studying there being forced to animate – all I wanted to do was draw comics. Now that I’ve graduated, and the thing that I really need to do is hunker down and draw my full-length graphic novel – I can’t seem to stop myself animating.

An upcoming 2D traditionally animated short film – About gender identity, post-apocalyptic purgatorial desertscapes, and an imp that yells at you.

Daze (Animatic)

This is “Daze“, the animatic for the first third of “Transience, Pt. I: Daze, Dog, Door”. The full version of which is available in comic form.

Animated traditionally in 2020, ink & pencil on paper.

Eggbird Popping Loop

This .MOV file is named “Eggbird Popping Loop“. This is a creature from Transience, Pt. II: Birds, Brunch, Balls. Don’t be concerned by his facial expression, he’s perfectly happy, just autistically stimming.

Animated traditionally in 2021, ink on paper.

The Campfire Scene

This is a fully animated sequence called “The Campfire Scene” from Transience, Pt. III: [Currently Untitled]. I’m sorry for the sound design, and the content, and what my brain comes up with when I’m not looking.

Animated traditionally in 2021, ink & pencil on paper.

Rat World Issue Five Trailer

A short trailer I made for the launch of Rat World #5, once again, I’m sorry for the sound design. I don’t know what it is about meat-squelches or dubstep BWAH’s that I find so funny.

Animated digitally in 2023 using Adobe Animate.

Rat World Issue Six Trailer

A short trailer I made for the launch of Rat World #6.

Animated digitally in 2023, using Adobe Photoshop & Animate.


What If? (Scene 5)

This is scene 05 from an animating music video I was making in 2020. The song is called “What If?“, from Transience, the album I made during New Zealand’s level-4 COVID-19 lockdowns.

Animated digitally in 2020 using Adobe Animate.

Don’t Panic (Trailer)

The trailer for an animated series called “Don’t Panic” I pitched for my second year of uni. It was based on a novel, Schadenfreude, that I wrote in 2017 where the members of a band disappear one by one.

Animated traditionally in 2021, ink on paper.

Drive By, Firefly

A sequence for the music video to Sxip Riley’s “Drive By, Firefly“, made for my second year of uni. The pitch was very specific that we were only allowed to use black, white, piss-mustard yellow, and tomato sauce red. Almost every student at one point complained that they were making a McDonalds commercial.

Animated digitally in 2021 using Adobe Photoshop.